Getting Real About the Law of Attraction

Some of the most common questions I receive are about the LOA (law of attraction) manifesting, positive affirmations, and other mainstream metaphysical principles. This happens mostly because people have diligently tried all the practices touted and are still in the same spot. Obviously, this is a vast topic with many layers and a unique and personal process for each individual. Teaching it in the “one size fits all model” does a disservice to our individuation. At the very least, it causes frustration as it doesn’t work in the way we expect. At worst it reinforces the shame of “what’s wrong with me” and disillusionment in a beautiful system.

“Why is it ‘working” for everyone else but me?”
Spoiler alert. It isn’t.

This isn’t about simply wanting things to be different. Despite how badly we want the easy fix or the magical way out that kind of mystical thinking doesn’t equate with change. Moreover, that type of work so touted in metaphysical thought actually blocks the magic we seek as well as upping the shame story when it doesn’t “work”. We cannot bypass, affirm, vision board, or positively think our way out of dark spaces. No amount of “positive” spin can override a deeply ingrained archetypal pattern- especially if that pattern saved your life at an earlier time. Instead, understanding, authenticity, and shadow work is needed to lovingly shift the contract with that part of yourself.

This means we will be required to face hard truths and do hard things. The universe only responds to authenticity. What IS. Not what we want. It responds to soul esteem (we are already enough) not the insecurity of our scared, shamed, lacking, and wounded parts, which typically run the manifesting show. To realize lasting change, we can’t front, manipulate, or bypass what is happening outside or inside of us.

This doesn’t mean we are powerless though or that laws of resonance are incorrect. Far from it! It just means we need to shift our vision to see through soul eyes and not the duality of our ego perception. In fact, it is much simpler than we make it out to be. After all, floating downstream is much easier than fighting the current. We can upgrade any contract or archetype in unbelievably miraculous ways.

It just means the only way out is through.

It means we must understand when we set a goal or vision for change, we are literally summoning a dark night of the ego.

It means we will need to face a significant definition of the foundational self and then let it go, thereby drifting into uncertainty.

It means we need to identity, understand, and have reverence for the patterns that kept us safe but are now simply not required.

It means we need to regain our power from a time it was lost.

It means we need to look deeply at our lives right now as the gifts of purpose they are befriending not shaming the upsets.

It means we need to embrace and understand our unique destiny and not borrow one not meant for us, no matter how shiny it appears.

It means less control and more surrender.

It means more listening and less demanding.

It means more curiosity and less dogma.

It means getting really real.

(Photo credit to my amazingly gifted son Aidan. Who not only sees the beauty in the darkness itself, but is able to capture it and thus remind us all it is ever present.)

3 thoughts on “Getting Real About the Law of Attraction”

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