Projections of Love: A simple practice to ignite your light

In the earlier blog post, The Gift of Conflict, I explained the nature of projection as it relates to displacing our shadow on another. This is the notion that what we most reject in ourselves, we often recognize and experience in other people and our reality. What that means is every encounter, every time we are “triggered” by another, there is learning for us about ourselves.  This is not to say the other person does not have accountability. It just means there is learning for ourselves.

Our shadow serves an extremely important purpose. Connection and acceptance are intrinsic and vital to thriving, so we learn how to edit parts of ourselves to conform and get these needs met. The examples of what we might edit out of our personality and hide in our shadow can be pretty obvious.  For example, we are likely familiar with people who felt they had to hide their sexuality. Perhaps they got the message their preference was unacceptable in some way, so they might closet or hide that part of themselves in shadow. Trauma can be another more obvious example; it is a dynamic act of self-care to place in the shadow what we cannot comprehend or integrate at the time it occurs.

Yet, often what we bury may not be so obvious. Remember, we tend to stash whatever was deemed “unacceptable” by our culture, family or friends. Along these lines, we may feel the need to hide our creativity, our radiance, our brilliance, our beauty, our intuition and our authenticity along with our fear or shame. We so often extinguish our sparkle when we are told not to shine too bright.

Today, I suggest you rekindle that flame.


Remember projection? We do not just project what we dislike about ourselves; we also project our unclaimed grace.

  • That amazing sunset; that beautiful flower; that majestic waterfall-that is you.
  • When you look into the eyes of your child, your spouse, your best friend, your dog, and you feel the splendor of love-that is you.
  • When you are filled with awe as you witness a simple grace of generosity or act of kindness-that is you.
  • When you notice the stillness on your way to get your morning paper or feel the warmth of a cozy sweater-that is you.
  • When you hear music that resonates truth so deep you have to catch your breath-that is you.
  • When you witness the cadence of a tranquil ocean or feel a peaceful breeze-that is you too.

In the words of the famous philosopher, lecturer, writer and mythologist Joseph Campbell, “The cave you fear holds the treasure you seek”. The person who was “too loud” can find the voice of a jazz singer. The budding artist who was told “art wasn’t a real job” picks up the paintbrush again. The dancer who was told “boys don’t dance” begins to find a beat. The seeker who was told “this is all there is” can explore new territory.  The intuitive who saw other realities may become a beacon of hope and inspiration for others.  When we reclaim our innate radiance, we find the lost treasure of our souls. This lights the way to wholeness and authenticity; it leads to inspiration; it leads to knowing we have a purpose.

When we integrate our projections of light, we are inspired, infused, ignited and connected to the infinite and radiant love ever present within each of us.  In that way, every relationship, every encounter and every breath can become validation for the most authentic part of you to illuminate your very best self.

Today, make a simple commitment to notice the projections of your light all around you, and let them remind you that you were meant to shine.