Embracing the Sacred Power of Discipline

Every entrepreneur knows the “D” word. Otherwise known as discipline, it is the often scorned and shunned right-hand man to words like success, achievement, and accomplishment. It is the facet of dream-making we often try to overlook, bypass, or minimize in some way.  There is no way around it, however, because in a self-actualized life curriculum, discipline is a required class, and our relationship with it can greatly determine our level of success. 

It is easy to understand why discipline has a bad rap.  All major dictionary websites affiliate discipline with control, rules of order, judgment, and punishment. There is a measure of implied subordination, but, looking deeper, we see the root word of discipline is “disciple.”  This offers a different perspective, one that is more about being a student, learning, understanding a concept, and following a particular path.  In this way, discipline becomes an open system of discovery rather than a closed path of submission, and a channel in which to grow and expand rather than a system to restrain or dominate. Discipline then becomes our ally as a tool to embrace rather than one to rebel against instinctively. 

How do we channel this important tool?

1)    Be of service-

It is important to remember that at the core the word discipline is service. Disciples have a cause, a focus, and a movement into which they are breathing life. Connecting to the why of what you are striving for is incredibly important to utilizing the true power of discipline. Your life has meaning. There is a reason why you are here. Find the why and you harness the true power of discipline.

2)    Come from your heart-

Often we choose paths that have worked for others. Perhaps, we took a master class, read a book, or attended a seminar from a brilliant soul that described a precise path to success. While some insights ring true, in general, it is important to remember those innovative ideas worked for them. Channeling our discipline in a direction that is not linked to our own authenticity often leads to roadblocks, frustration, and burnout. Discipline becomes a sacred tool for change when it links to our heart and not just our head.  Heart-centered discipline ignites a fire of self-love that gives us drive, energy, and passion without judgment or shame. It makes the details, organization, daily tasks, and monotony worth it.

3)    Resistance is important information-

Discipline is the force that allows us to leave our comfort zone, dauntlessly moving us forward in the direction of our dreams. Yet, if we do come across resistance, it is important to slow down and assess, rather than give up or doggedly push through. Inner or outer resistance is a good indication we need to pay attention to an important lesson that is trying to arise. Perhaps, we have stepped off our own path swept away in “shoulds.”  Perhaps, we have taken a wrong turn and the universe is asking us to pause. Perhaps, we are being called to try another way. There is a delicate balance between challenge and change and force and flow.  (Read about that more here).

Success takes both inspiration and discipline. Breathing life into an idea is an inhale and an exhale.  We believe and then we DO. When we honor the process, we allow discipline to become a sacred tool for real success and we allow the revelation of our very best self.