5 Ways to Embrace Mercury Retrograde

Mercury retrogrades have a bad rap. They are often announced with trepidation, gloomy predictions and outright fear.  From an enlightened astrological perspective, however, retrogrades are necessary periods of growth and renewal, balancing outward expression with inward focus and contemplation. It is a time to put some space between stimulus and response with the hope we can then create a more focused, directed and deliberate way of casting our intention.

A retrograde is the apparent backward motion of a planet. Of course, no planet actually travels backward. It is an optical illusion similar to the effect of two cars traveling alongside each other on the highway. As one speeds up and overtakes the other, it might appear the slower car is traveling backward. Symbolically, retrogrades are the yin to our yang, an inner reflection to our outer expression. In astrological terms, Mercury represents our style, force and way of communicating, learning and expressing. Is it any accident that Mercury goes retrograde a few times a year, reminding us it is as important to listen as it is to speak and  it is just as important to seek answers from within as from without?

The sign in which Mercury goes retrograde matters of course, as it spotlights the area of life requiring reflection and reorganization. This cycle, Mercury is in the earthy sign of Taurus offering us to look deeper at identifying what blocks us from peace. Issues like self-worth and abundance regarding resources and money come to the forefront.  To reveal even more details regarding your personal learning in this current cycle, find where the sign of Taurus falls in your chart.  (If you need help with that, contact me.) Yet, all of us can use this time to stop talking, slow down and really listen. You might be surprised at what you hear. 

How to best use this month’s retrograde in the sign of Taurus:

1)    Assess self-talk: Self-worth is created in the details, not the extraordinary events. What we say to ourselves matters as it defines who we are. How would your self-concept change if you silenced the inner critic and turned up the inner advocate?

2)    Contemplate abundance (i.e. money): This is a great time to get real about our relationship with money and assess any blocks, limiting beliefs and triggers that arise around it. What do you really believe about your right to abundance?

3)    Media fast: Last month I wrote about my distraction detox. This is the perfect time to quiet the outside world to hear a voice from within. What is distracting you from you?

4)    Get still: When we turn off “doing”, we open the space for “being”. Finding peace means embracing stillness and moments that allow us to pause, reflect and take a deep sigh. What is blocking you from peace?

5)    Get outside: Nature has a way of shedding new light on old patterns. Just spending time touching the earth; grounding can have all kinds of physical, psychological and spiritual benefits.  How can you incorporate more nature into your daily life?