Virgo New Moon 9/19-20 — It is time to heal

We have had a long last few weeks. There have been hurricanes, fires, and earthquakes in both our outer and inner worlds. We have been broken open with change, revealing our deepest vulnerability, wounds and shadowy places, along with resiliency, strength, and grace.

And it is not the time before or directly after change that is the most challenging.

Because in those times we find ourselves standing on solid, albeit unsteady, ground.

It is the treacherous gap in the middle, the space between known and not yet known, that is most difficult. It is that gap, that gripping chasm of unpredictability and doubt, where we healing happens.

We are picking up the pieces on all levels




and soulfully.

The astrology? This New Moon in Virgo (the sign of the healer) is directly opposite Chiron (the wounded healer) in Pisces and thus mirrors this cycle of soul renewal. Saturn in Sagittarius joins the party forming a mutable T-square with the dynamic opposition between the Moon and Chiron. Further emphasizing the Virgo theme we have Mercury, Venus and Mars joining the Sun and Moon in Virgo. But you don’t need to know or even believe in astrology to feel this energy. Astrology is not the cause after all. It is just outer guidance reflecting an inner pattern that helps us better navigate the terrain. Astrology is the weather forecaster for our consciousness, both collective and personal, as it dances between fate and destiny.

It is time to heal.

It is important to note that healing is a marathon, not a sprint. It is also not always about curing or the total cessation of symptoms. Our symptoms get our attention, and they will continue to do so until we get the lesson. Healing is an expansion into new territory. It is a precarious rebirth and subsequent ending. Healing requires we seek the meaning in the situation and not just the solution. It requires we peer with discernment and not judgment. It often means we must befriend the thing we most want to resist as this discomfort is often the very key to unlocking our freedom. Healing is where faith becomes a verb and patience a necessity. Healing is the ability to look at life through the lens of it happening for us and not to us. What seems like an endpoint to the ego is often an opening for the soul.

Patience, perseverance, tenacity, trust, faith…these are skills that get us through the gap.

What needs healing in your life?
What needs release and undoing once and for all?
What and who are you being asked to forgive?

No doubt, the last few weeks have offered laser focused answers to those questions. When it is time to heal, we are gifted opportunities and experiences that show us exactly what requires healing.

That breakup, that bankruptcy, that illness, that failure, that disappointment, or disaster …the lessons are everywhere.

Because the gift of being broken open is the revelation of truth. These truths may not be wanted or even convenient but real healing requires acknowledgement. In the gap, shit gets real, and change is the only option.

Emerging truths:

Life is a complex system of change with both endings and beginnings.

The certainty of time itself. Life is too short to take for granted.

Kindness, empathy and gratitude matters.

There is a reason you are here.

Miracles exist and are entirely possible.

Love really is the answer and must start with you.

We truly are one world no matter how separate the story.

The universe really does have your back.

Healing is possible.

First the reckoning and then the action.What needs healing has been revealed.

Now, what are we going to do about it?

First the revelation and then the commitment, refinement, and discipline to set new pathways out of the gap of change.

Eventually, these personal paths of healing are meant to inspire others on the journey too. Real healing means you also must give it away to keep it. This New Moon reminds us that inherent to our purpose of existing is the ability to be of genuine service to the outer world. One of the sublime graces found in the gap of our own healing is the wisdom and inspiration to help others do the same.

“Our birthright as human beings is to have direct access to perfect love, and our privilege is to serve as a channel through which it flows.” John Welwood

Healing simply requires we do the work to remove the blocks to this love. Then we allow this love to lead us.

New Moons are about beginnings. They are about starting a new cycle in our lives. So, this New Moon commit to what needs healing in your life. With a spirit of sacred discipline, allow yourself to be led right into the heart of your own gap of change holding steady in the knowing it is the path to your own freedom.

1 thought on “Virgo New Moon 9/19-20 — It is time to heal”

  1. Pingback: Awaken the Fire- Aries Full Moon October 5 | Aleka Thorvalson

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