Full Moon in Sagittarius June 9—-Fire your arrow

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Astrology is the practical science of change.  It maps out cycles of learning, growth, and transformation both vast and small, macro and micro, collective and personal.

As such, New and Full Moons work together to symbolize moments of shift. The last New Moon in Gemini began the cycle suggesting the right use of curiosity, gathering information and communication (see more here). The soul work of a Gemini time is to simply observe, witness, and collect valuable data that is coming your way.

What important insights and inspiration arose within the last two weeks?

What new information has been illuminated?

What messages is life offering you?

Gemini reminds us vital data is all around us in the form of people, opportunity, life experiences, openness and even places of resistance.

We just need to pay attention.

This Full Moon sits in the natural opposite sign of Gemini, Sagittarius. Sagittarius, symbolized by the archer, suggests we have all the necessary information, and now we need to consolidate it into truth. We have all the facts, and now we must run them through our inner guidance system and allow the arrow of authenticity to find a focal point. 

We gather and then we create.

Words without form are merely lists, sounds of random syncopation. Yet, if you string words together, you form sentences. Sentences strung together create paragraphs and paragraphs strung together create whole stories. Likewise is the creation of knowledge. Ideas, facts, bits of information without organization or focus are random pieces of data. When infused with meaning, purpose, and a clear direction we consolidate facts into beliefs and beliefs into truth. When we unite our head with our heart, random data becomes synchronicity.

Knowing is important, but an arrow only flies true with effort.

Because knowledge married with action ignites purpose.

What is your truth?

Because now is the time and it is your responsibility to DO something with it.

Saturn’s placement next to the Moon reminds us of this fact. It also reminds us living our truth is not always easy. It’s not easy because habit, fear, and ego are strongholds of deceit.

Saturn also brings this cycle to the realms of structures, laws, and politics, both collective and personal. Certainly, we can apply this to our current political climate where there seems to be a discounting of actual facts for selective knowledge.

 This is what happens when fear, pride or ego fires the arrow.  We get convenient truths.

This cycle also symbolizes the need to be clear where selective facts are leading to convenient truths in our own lives.

Are we seeing clearing or through the eyes of wishful thinking and fantasy?

Saturn, the planet of reality and time itself, asks us to get real. Saturn lives in the world of technical truths that keep showing up despite any efforts of conscious or unconscious denial.

Additionally, Neptune squaring the Full Moon brings an air of disillusionment. Breaking that word up we see dis-illusionment. It is the end of the illusion. It is the end of fantasy and into the reality that all is one. One world. One people. One race.

What do you really see?

Where is the illusion being shattered with reality in your life?

Reality is not often fun. It can feel heavy with veracity and the promise of work. Yet, it is a hopeful placement. Hopeful because it reminds us we have the power to take back our lives. This may be challenging and may require patience, sacrifice, diligence, and discipline, but it reminds us we CAN. It is incredibly fitting the President chose to pull out of the Paris climate deal spurring a sense of renewed commitment by individual states, the private sector and the public to see through any ego-based denial. Rock solid determinism connected to a higher truth is Saturn too.

Push me, and I do not fall over, I only get stronger.

Where are you being pushed?

Where do you need to take a stand?

What truth is right in front of you?

Fire your arrow and take the first step to making it happen.

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