New Moon in Gemini May 25—-Letting the light in

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Astrology is the study of polarity, where both sides create balance to the whole. Life, however, in its inherent messiness, is often not symmetrical and is tense in its irregularity. That space of pressure, though uncomfortable in its unfamiliarity, offers the precision of change and transformation. There are times of balance and imbalance. There are times of flow and the fire of growth. Astrological cycles mirror this rhythm within us as the outer represents the whole- as within so without.
Moon cycles are no exception to this phenomenon. Though faster compared to some of the longer macrocycles of late (check out the astrology of 2017 for more on that), they offer valuable moments of reflection, introspection, and change.

New Moons signal new beginnings. This New Moon is in Gemini which always dances opposing Sagittarius. Gemini, a dynamic air sign, was known as the messenger of the Gods. Nimble-footed he could walk between heaven and earth, symbolizing the flash of intuition and the form of communication. When we link breath to words, we get powerful spells that have the ability to inspire as much as they can also wound. This truth implies we must be careful what we say to others and perhaps, more importantly, what we say to ourselves.

Communication has two sides, just like the polarity of Gemini and Sagittarius. The exchange of ideas is an inhale, and an exhale. We speak, and we must listen. If we do it well we listen to understand and not to respond. We hear what is beneath the words, the deeper layers of intent. To practice the art of communication, we must stay open minded and not fall into rigid concepts where no light can get in. We must flow balancing ideas and truth, logic and intuition, and the head and heart ( Gemini and Sagittarius).

For if that balance shifts, when one side gets too heavy or hijacked by fear, and if there is no space for learning darkness ensues. When ideas become dogmatic, they become dangerous.

On a personal level, we see the danger when we believe outdated stories about ourselves- incantations or spells cast upon us years ago about who we are. We believe it as if is yesterday.

On a national or global level, we see what happens when dogma overshadows justice, decency and actual facts. When ideas become so attached to identity, we begin to believe our own lies and it becomes a sneaky form of denial called cognitive dissonance.
It’s not pretty.

Ideas grounded in fear only lead to more fear. Ideas ungrounded in both compassion and logic have no soil in which to flourish.

So this New Moon reminds us to stay open. To really listen. To connect with our heart. To find our own truth by reexamining the words we are using and the ideas we have. To embrace curiosity, to be open to new ways of doing things. The air is ripe for new concepts, new ways of being, new solutions, charisma, and change. Seek the open doors and allow the journey to lead you. The Gemini path is rarely logical because it is less about the final destination and more about trusting the journey itself. In this way, stepping stones rise to meet you as you walk your path.

Where does your mind go when it wanders?
Because that is part of the brainstorming session that needs to happen.

What ideas emerge like flashes of insight?
Write that shizzle down. They are soul coordinates.

What’s the nature of your inner chatter?
Is it outdated, archaic, and not even yours to begin with?

It’s time to let that go.

Because it’s time to let the light in.

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